What Is PRF Hair Restoration?
Stress, diet, and hormonal changes are common causes of hair loss in both women and men. Many times, conventional and over-the-counter hair growth treatments fail to restore thinning hair, which can end up being extremely costly, time-consuming, and frustrating. Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) hair restoration is a relatively new cosmetic treatment that can restore and strengthen hair without pain, discomfort, or downtime.
Here’s more about how PRF hair restoration works and where you can go to receive this highly effective non-surgical treatment.
How Does PRF Hair Restoration Work?
PRF therapies use platelets from your own blood to stimulate the growth of new cells and tissues. The platelets used in PRF hair restoration therapy contain several growth factors, nutrients, and proteins that can heal damaged hair follicles and regrow hair in places affected by thinning or balding. PRF hair restoration therapy’s effects often take between six and 12 weeks as new and repaired hair follicles go through their respective growth cycles.
How Is PRF Treatment Different From PRP Treatment?
PRF treatment is highly similar to platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment but uses a low-speed centrifuge system that includes many additional nutrients and proteins with the sample of platelets. As a result, PRF treatment often contains a higher number of healing factors than PRP treatment to produce more satisfactory results within a shorter time. PRF is a slightly newer treatment than PRP, though both treatments are commonly used as hair stimulation therapies.
What Happens During a PRF Hair Restoration Appointment?
PRF hair restoration treatments are simple, non-surgical treatments that can usually be performed in less than one hour in a comfortable and relaxing outpatient setting.
First, we draw a small sample of blood from your arm and place the sample into a centrifuge. The centrifuge isolates the platelets from your blood so we can extract the fibrin and growth factors, and inject them into your scalp. Before treating your scalp, we will administer local anesthesia to minimize any pain or discomfort you may feel during injections.
After we inject the PRF into areas with hair loss, the fibrin, growth factors, and other nutrients will begin to regenerate new cells, tissues, and hair follicles that contribute to hair regrowth.
There is no downtime associated with PRF hair restoration therapy—meaning you can resume normal daily activities following your appointment. However, you may experience minor swelling that usually resolves on its own within a few hours. Results are usually noticeable after six to 12 weeks, at which point you will have stronger, fuller, and thicker hair.
What Are the Benefits Of PRF Hair Loss Treatment?
PRF hair loss treatment offers numerous benefits for women and men who want to thicken or restore thinning hair.
First, PRF hair restoration is non-surgical, which means this procedure involves no cutting, no incisions, and no scarring. You will not be required to wear bandages on your head following the procedure or take time off work to heal and recover.
Second, this hair loss treatment is relatively painless and does not require general anesthesia. However, we may apply local anesthesia and/or a topical numbing cream to minimize any discomfort associated with this procedure.
PRF hair loss treatment can also save you lots of time and money compared to trying many prescription or over-the-counter hair loss treatments. Conventional hair loss treatments do not always work for everyone, which can be frustrating for those seeking effective hair restoration therapy. PRF hair restoration is safe and effective and can be performed in one fast, convenient appointment. This therapy is well worth the cost for those who no longer want to waste time and money experimenting with other hair growth treatments.
Who Are Ideal Candidates For PRF Hair Restoration?
PRF hair restoration is ideal for women and men who want to regrow hair in areas that are thinning or balding. This treatment is also ideal for those who want stronger, thicker hair.
If you’re not sure whether PRF hair restoration is right for you, we can discuss this treatment in more detail during a consultation and help you make an informed decision.
Where Can I Get PRF Hair Restoration Therapy?
Dr. K Beauty in Las Vegas offers PRF hair restoration therapy and many other wellness services that can make you feel younger, more confident, and more attractive. Contact us today at 725-215-7568 or schedule a consultation to learn more about whether you’re an ideal candidate for PRF hair restoration.
Tags: hair follicle, hair growth, hair loss, hair loss treatment, hair restoration, hair stimulation, non-surgical treatment, Platelet-rich fibrin, PRF, PRF hair restoration, strengthen hair, thicker hair, thinning hair
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