PDO Thread Lifts Las Vegas

PDO Thread Lifts Las Vegas

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Introduction To PDO Thread Lifts

Specializing in Facial Rejuvenation

At our boutique practice in Las Vegas, PDO Thread Lifts are one of our most popular procedures. The treatment, which has become popular by celebrities and influencers over the last few years can almost instantly make you feel and look years younger. Modern Polydioxanone Thread therapy traces back to threads embedding therapy in acupuncture. The treatment was used to improve tissue stimulation and muscle contractions in target areas.

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Our Las Vegas PDO Thread Lift patients find that the treatment greatly benefits their lives, giving them more self-confidence. The procedure is performed in Vegas by Thread Lift expert, Dr. K. Below, we’ve included information about the treatment, frequently asked questions, and more about Dr. K. If you’d like to book a consultation, please contact us today!

What is a PDO Thread Lift?

PDO thread lifts stimulate the face by lifting and provoking the body’s natural healing process. Polydioxanone is a clinically tested and approved material used in medical suturing, orthopedics, and cosmetics.

Threads are implanted in the skin to tighten it. The presence of small needles in the deep layers of the skin also stimulates the natural regenerative process. During this process, the body concentrates large amounts of collagen on the healing areas. Collagen is essential because it supports growth factors that influence the health of the skin.

Who are the Best Candidates for PDO Thread Lifts?

While most people will make a good candidate for a PDO Thread Lift, our average patient is between their late 30s and early 50s. We suggest that you be in good health and are beginning to notice signs of aging so you can benefit the most from the impact of a thread lift.

What are the Benefits of getting a PDO Thread Lift?

As one of the top medical spas practiced in Las Vegas, we’ve had the luxury of treating thousands of patients. We’ve included some of the wonderful benefits of getting PDO Thread Lifts:

  • Thread therapy re-defines face contours.
  • Thread therapy has long-lasting effects. The results can last up to 2-3 years.
  • The threads provide support for facial tissue due to increased collagen production.
  • The effects of thread therapy reach their peak 6 months after the process when collagen forms around the threads.

Mono, Screw, and Cog Threads

In recent years, more threads have been developed for thread therapy. Cog threads, for instance, induce a higher chronic inflammatory reaction than traditional monofilaments. Patients achieve more long-lasting effects with cog threads due to increased collagen production.

Threads for Facial Contouring

PDO Thread therapy is suitable for facial contouring by lifting the skin around the neck, and cheeks and also raising eyebrows.

Which Areas Are Suitable for PDO Thread Lifts?

  • Forehead (Brow Lifting)
  • Jawline
  • Marionette lines
  • Naso-labial folds
  • Neck
  • Upper and lower cheek

Threads for Skin Rejuvenation

You can combine this procedure with micro-needling, PRP facials, and chemical peels. PDO threads are 100% compatible with your skin and leave no scarring. PDO thread therapy induces collagen production, which tightens the skin.

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What to Expect on the day of getting PDO Thread Lifts

Before the threads are inserted, local anesthesia is administered. The PDO threads are then inserted in the target regions using a micro-needle or cannula. The size of the needle ranges anywhere between 21G-30G, while the threads measure anywhere between 0.05mm-0.40mm in thickness and 25mm-140mm in length. The doctor then inserts the needle into the subcutaneous level of the skin where the threads are placed. The procedure takes 45-60 minutes and you should be able to revert to your usual schedule within a few days.

What’s the First Step?

The first step is always to contact our Boutique and schedule a consultation with Dr. K. During this consultation, Dr. K will be able to go over the full extent of the treatment as well discuss the best way to meet your expectations. During this consultation you will also be able to ask any lingering questions you may have about PDO Thread Lifts.

PDO Thread Lift Recovery

PDO Thread Lift recovery is very minimal. During the first 24 to 48 hours following your treatment, you may experience some swelling and bruising, but you should be able to return to your daily routine immediately.

We advise that you avoid rubbing your face the week after your procedure to avoid accidentally dislodging the thread. You should also try to avoid pursing your lips or smoking and use a straw when drinking for the next several weeks.

In addition, over the next few weeks, you should avoid intense workouts, sauna usage, and sleeping on your side. Sleeping on a propped pillow can help you accidentally roll onto your face in the middle of the night.

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Why Choose Us?

Dr. K prides herself on patient safety and exceeding expectations. At our practice, we firmly believe that education on desired procedures is the best first step. When you meet with Dr. K during your consultation, she’ll explain the treatment in detail. Dr. K has been honored as a Top Doc, an award only given to some of the most prestigious doctors in Las Vegas.

How Much Do Thread Lifts Cost in Las Vegas?

The cost of PDO Thread lifts in Las Vegas will vary depending on the targeted area. During your consultation with Dr. K, she’ll provide you with her recommendations and precise costs.

Schedule Your Consultation

Many of our Las Vegas thread lift patients feel that the therapy can greatly benefit their lives, providing more self-confidence and helping them achieve youthful aesthetic goals. If you’d like to book a consultation with Dr. K please contact us today.

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PDO Thread Lift FAQs

Are PDO Thread Lifts painful?

While some patients may experience some mild pain during the procedure, however, this “pain” is very similar to any other injectable treatment with dermal fillers.

Are there any side effects associated with PDO Thread Lifts?

PDO Thread Lifts have a much lower risk of complications than facelift surgeries, but there is a minimal chance that there may be potential complications, such as: Minor infection, Pain, Minor bruising, Inflammation, Visible sutures (especially in people with thin skin), Snapping of threads, Accumulation of blood (Hematoma), Dimpling (orange peel-like skin texture), Hair loss and Salivary Gland injury

How long will the results last?

Most PDO Thread Lift results last about a year, but some patients have seen positive results up to 9 years. Usually, younger patients can see results last between 3 and 4 years, while older patients may only notice results between 1 and 2 years due to poor skin volume or elasticity that comes with aging.

How many sessions will I need to see results?

You should see immediate improvements in skin sagging following your first session, however, there may be a noticeable decline about 6 months later. Dr. K will be able to give you a more accurate timeline during your consultation, as well as after your procedure.


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